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AIGA BALTIMORE | Ink & Pixels Part 1: Designer Panel

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Ink + Pixels Goes Virtual!

Take The Next Step Towards Your Design Career

Thinking about the job market during these uncertain times can be challenging for a designer. Whether you want to make a good impression in interviews, need a new perspective on your portfolio, or want fresh eyes on a current project, we're here to help. Ink & Pixels is one of AIGA Baltimore’s largest events focused on helping designers prepare for a career or career shift. Due to the Covid-19 (Corona Virus) and our current Stay-At-Home mandate, AIGA is transitioning our in-person event, (originally scheduled to be held at Morgan State University on April 18) online! Now more than ever, we believe in the importance of finding alternative ways to come together in community and share the knowledge and resources we have with each other

Virtual Ink and Pixels is now a series of events hosted online:

Part 1:
If I Knew Then What I Know Now - Designer Panel*
Saturday, April 18, 12:30-1:30pm

Join us via Zoom* for an informative virtual discussion between AIGA Baltimore’s programming chair, Vaibhav Sharma (moderator), The Creative Group (TCG), and two experienced designers representing different aspects of the design field.

Our panelists include:
Alexander Reynolds, Senior Creative Recruiter at TCG
Perry Sweeper, Design Strategist
Emilee Beeson, Senior Designer at Mission Media

The Zoom link will be sent out via email (using the email provided when registering for your spot) the day before the event and also the morning of. Make sure to check your spam folder for the email.

*This event will be online using Please ensure you download the app for your computer or mobile device prior to the event here:

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